

Koliko vremena je potrebno za popravku?

U zavisnosti od težine popravke formiramo vremenski rok koji je potreban da se ista izvede. Nakon pregleda vozila možemo da damo procenu vremena.

Zamenu stakala i reparacije stakala zakazujemo unapred i završavamo istog dana.

Manje reparacije traju do 5 dana.

Srednje popravke od manjih saobraćajnih nezgoda traju od 7 do 14 dana.

Popravke havarisanih vozila mogu trajati i do mesec dana, ukoliko su svi delovi obezbedjeni ili dostupni kod distributera.

U najčešćem broju slučajeva na trajanje popravke utiče i trenutna popunjenost servisa. Zakazivanje servisa je neophodno.

Zašto popravke traju toliko dugo?

Trudimo se da sve popravke budu završene u najkraćem mogućem roku, medjutim Auto Rendžer je tokom cele godine unapred bukiran, pa Vas molimo za razumevanje u blagovremene rezervacije termina. 

Drugi razlog za duže trajanje popravke su ustanovljeni standardi u okviru Auto Rendžer servisa. Mi ne koristimo prečice. Pripremu za farbanje radimo izuzetno detaljno. Izmedju slojeva boje i laka pravimo dovoljno duge pauze kako bi naši radovi bili praktično na nivou fabričke boje. 

Isti pristup imamo i prilikom otklanjanja deformacija karoserije. Ne žurimo sa korekcijama jer je materijalima potrebno odredjeno vreme da usvoje (fabrički) oblik. Moderne karoserije se sastoje od više delova proizvedenih od različitih legura metala. Svaka legura ima drugačija svojstva i samim tim specifično vreme koje je potrebno kako bi se

My car is running rough. Do I need a tune-up?
We try to complete most repairs the same day. If this is not possible, we will provide you with special transportation arrangements.
Is there a charge to check out my car?
We try to complete most repairs the same day. If this is not possible, we will provide you with special transportation arrangements.
Do I need an appointment for a repair?
We try to complete most repairs the same day. If this is not possible, we will provide you with special transportation arrangements.
What credit cards do you take?
We try to complete most repairs the same day. If this is not possible, we will provide you with special transportation arrangements.
Why does my car need maintenance if it's running fine?
Regular maintenance of your vehicle protects your investment, helps to prevent breakdowns, and will save you on the cost of repairs in the future.
What will happen if I don't have the repairs done right now?
Regular maintenance of your vehicle protects your investment, helps to prevent breakdowns, and will save you on the cost of repairs in the future.
What Should I Do When My Check Engine Lights Come On?
Regular maintenance of your vehicle protects your investment, helps to prevent breakdowns, and will save you on the cost of repairs in the future.
How Often Should I Have My Brakes Checked?
Regular maintenance of your vehicle protects your investment, helps to prevent breakdowns, and will save you on the cost of repairs in the future.
What Type of Oil Filter Do I Need?
Regular maintenance of your vehicle protects your investment, helps to prevent breakdowns, and will save you on the cost of repairs in the future.
Do I Really Need Winter Tires?
Regular maintenance of your vehicle protects your investment, helps to prevent breakdowns, and will save you on the cost of repairs in the future.

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